Monday, November 19, 2012

HIV talk and Turkey-day plans

The end of this year has proven to be very busy for me all of a sudden.  I finally have the funds for the oven project so I’ve been scrambling around trying to have meetings with all the families to coordinate buying the materials and transporting them.  So far I've bought and transported half the bricks to 5 houses and am looking for more bricks to complete the rest.  The families with bricks are now in charge of building the table that the oven will be built on, so I've been visiting their houses to make sure they’re measuring it right and using the right materials for it.  I’m still waiting on the 55 gallon metal barrels.  The guy who’s transporting them for me isn't returning my calls and I don’t know when he’s going to bring them.  Communication is non-existent here sometimes.  My goal is to get at least a few ovens finished before mid-December, when I go home for Christmas.  I’d love to give some families the opportunity to have an oven for Christmas baking!

Me giving a community HIV class

This last Friday I held an HIV charla (educational meeting) for my community.  After attending the HIV workshop in Esteli last month with 4 of my community members, I decided to plan a meeting for my own community to spread the knowledge.  It was the first health charla I've done in my site.  Only about 20 people showed up (even though I officially invited around 30 houses), but I’m glad they even showed up at all.  They were all people I know, and most of them were actually the women from the current oven project with some of their kids.  I invited two other health volunteers to come help me, and I talked with a doctor from the ministry of health (MINSA) about coming to give his viewpoint on HIV in Pantasma. Unfortunately the meeting started about an hour late like they always do, seeing as no one showed up until then, and the doctor had to leave for another meeting so he left early.  He had brought a lab tech with him and was going to offer the HIV rapid test after the charla, which would have been great because people could have gotten their results that day instead of having to go the health center.  The charla went well over all though.  I was pleased with the people that did show up, and disappointed that some people I know well didn't show up even though they lived only a few houses away.  The next day a neighbor boy showed up at my house who never has before, and told me that some other people were interested in the topic of HIV and wanted to know when I’d be doing another charla.  So at least the word’s getting out there and creating interest in the community.  The next health activity I’m planning is a health fair for the community to be held at the school on December 2nd.  I want to have various booths of info including HIV/AIDS, STI’s, dental care, nutrition, basic hygiene and hand washing, and maybe some pregnancy and baby care info.  Two other health volunteers have told me they could come help me, and I plan to ask the education department of MINSA if they can provide support as well. 

Doing a condom demonstration on a wooden dildo with a health volunteer

As for Thanksgiving this year, I've been invited to have dinner with a former Peace Corps volunteer at the hotel she owns in Granada.  She's invited 3 current volunteers to stay the night at her hotel and have Thanksgiving dinner and then breakfast the next morning.  I just have to pay to get myself there.  Not too shabby!  I'm really looking forward to it.  I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families back in the States!  
