Olive Ridley laying her nest |
The month of May was a very busy and active one for me. I took a few vacations out of site to try to
take advantage of the fact that even though my service is swiftly coming to a
close, I’m still here in Nicaragua and there are so many places and things to
see and explore. One of the activities I
had yet to experience was all the sea turtle nesting activity that occurs all
along the coastline here. So I gathered
up 3 friends and we all headed south towards the border of Costa Rica and spent
2 nights on a couple of beaches where a group called Paso Pacifico is
monitoring the sea turtle nesting and hatching activity there. They have turtle rangers that spend every
night out monitoring the beaches for the arrival of nesting turtles and try to
save their eggs from the turtle poachers.
It was the same location I went with my friend Tina back in early April
to try and see the turtles, but at that time we went too early in the nesting
season and didn’t see any turtles. So I
wanted to go back, and when we went in May we saw some turtles! The trip down took over 12 hours, and we were
really tired and cranky from all the buses, so the first night we arrived to
spend the night with the turtle rangers we only stayed out until midnight. And we saw an Olive Ridley turtle within the
first hour we were on the beach! It was
surprising considering all the turtle poachers that were out on this
beach. It was ridiculous! We literally saw about 8 turtles total that
night, but 7 of them were taken by poachers, meaning they grabbed them out of
the water, flipped them upside down over their heads, and walked them up the
sand to a spot on the beach where the turtle would most likely lay her eggs
once she was set down. Then the poacher
just sits and waits until she lays her eggs and collects them right out from
underneath her. They don’t hunt or kill
the turtle, the poachers are just there for the eggs, which are a very
traditional specialty food item.
Finally got to see a nesting turtle! |
We rescued 102 eggs! They got transported to a safe spot. |
So the turtle we saw was a surprise because we were all just
sitting in the sand talking with the turtle ranger when one of us saw her
making her way up the beach and called it to attention. It was crazy that she hadn’t been spotted yet
by a poacher! I think we lucked out
because she happened to leave the water and come out right where we were
sitting, so the poachers probably kept their distance since they knew we were
tagging along with the Paso Pacifico ranger.
So we all jumped up and ran over to her (I remembered from my previous
trip that the turtle ranger said that when he spotted a turtle he’d run like
mad to get to her first so the poachers wouldn’t claim her for their own). After a few jumps and squeals of excitement
that we got to her first, we watched and waited behind her until she made her
way up to a higher part on the beach.
She started to dig in a really rocky spot where she wouldn’t have made a
very good hole, so the turtle ranger started digging another hole down lower
where the sand was softer, then he grabbed her by her hind flippers and gently
dragged her down over the new hole, where she paused for a second, probably getting
her bearings since she had been moved, and then continued digging as if nothing
had happened. So we got to see her dig
her nest and lay her eggs! It was really
Then the turtle ranger told us we wouldn’t be able to rescue
the eggs since he technically wasn’t scheduled to work on that particular beach
that night and therefore didn’t have the key to the turtle egg nursery where
they transfer all the eggs to for safe hatching. I wasn’t having that one bit! We did not just travel 12 hours and spend
half the night out on this beach to finally see a turtle lay her eggs and then let
the poachers just take them from us! So
I made a stink about it and in the end (after trying to call the other turtle
rangers and get them to bring the key, with no luck) we did end up digging up
and transferring the eggs to the nursery, but he had to “break in” to the
nursery to be able to re-bury them.
Hopefully since then they have made the nursery break-in-proof from
poachers, considering it wasn’t that hard to do. I was praying and hoping that none of the
poachers nearby saw us and that the nest of eggs we saved hatches successfully. If we hadn’t been at that beach that night,
every single nest would have been poached!
So we were all very pleased to have been able to help out at least one
nest out of 8.
Baby Green sea turtles hatching out of the nest! |
Besides seeing a turtle lay her nest and rescue the eggs,
our other goal for that trip was to see babies hatching out of the nest and
head to the ocean. So the next night we
hiked out to a different beach with 4 other turtle rangers that worked out
there with the hopes of seeing a nest hatch.
There were multiple nests already laid there that were due to hatch, so
we decided to go there. The hike was
short but kind of hard since it went up over this hill that led to the
beach. On the way up we were all panting
and sweating and thinking how shitty we were going to feel hiking out the same
way the next morning after having been up all night. It was a full moon that night so the beach
was really clear and beautiful all night long until about 4am, when we watched
the moon set over the ocean. It was so
beautiful. We only saw one turtle that
night, but the group of poachers that was there got to her first and we never
saw her lay her nest. BUT, we did get to
see one of the nests hatch! Only about 7
little baby Green sea turtles came out of the nest that night, but it was
really cool and really special. Their
little heads just kept poking out of the sand and then they booked it to the
water. Their little flippers are so
strong and they fight really hard to get out of the sand and push their way to
the ocean. Needless to say we all got
lots of baby turtle photos. So all in
all we got to see everything we came for, but we only saw one nesting mama and
one nest hatch. I was hoping to have
seen much more activity, but I’ve still got over 2 months to hopefully make
that happen.
Another oven workshop done! |
Immediately after the sea turtle trip I traveled back to
Jinotega to help give an improved ovens workshop to a group of volunteers and
their Nicaraguan counterparts. We spent
a few days teaching about the importance of using less firewood to cook and
reducing smoke inhalation, and then we spent a morning constructing an oven so
they could learn how to build one. Then
two days later I was back in Managua to give another presentation about the
HIVaids Task Force to the newest group of trainees (that has since sworn in as
Peace Corps volunteers). Then I had
three days back in site before leaving again for a 2-week vacation!
Giving an HIV charla to a new group of trainees |
De-worming a pig with the vet team during the brigade |
It started with 5 days in Jinotega interpreting for Trinity
Medical Mission, who is a brigade based out of New Orleans that has been coming
to Jinotega for the past 20 years. They
come every year and always go out each day to a different community and provide
basic medical care for the communities, including dental work, OB-GYN,
pediatrics, wound care, and basic adult and family care. But this is the only brigade I’ve seen that
comes with a veterinarian! Dr. Troy from
Mississippi comes with the brigade every year and offers rabies vaccines for
cats and dogs as well as de-wormers, a flea and tick spray, and other vitamins
or antibiotics as needed. I worked with
him last year when I first interpreted with this brigade, and I had a good
time. This year I worked with the vet
team 4 out of the 5 days they were in country.
I must have been good help because they kept scheduling me with them
each day, when normally us Peace Corps volunteers rotate around with various
doctors to help interpret Spanish with the patients. This year the vet team saw a few horses and
some cattle in one community in particular, but mostly people bring their dogs
and some cats to get their rabies shot.
What’s funniest is that the dogs hate getting sprayed with the flea
spray more than getting poked with a needle or de-wormer shoved in their
mouths. They scream and squirm and fight
the hardest when the sprayer gets turned on them. It’s pretty funny. I helped out more this year than last year in
actually administering the rabies shots.
I feel pretty confident giving shots, but the animals here aren’t really
pets most of the time and aren’t comfortable with some stranger approaching
them, especially when they’re already tense at having a leash strapped to their
neck and having been drug away from their home to some tent in the park with 20
other dogs yapping all around them. So I
only gave shots to the animals I felt were the least crazy. It can get pretty tense and stressful for most
of these animals. Also surprising is
seeing some people (mostly kids) walk up with their un-collared cat just
hanging onto them for dear life. Sometimes
it’s all too much for these cats and they inevitably scramble away, but sometimes
they’re pretty calm and take it all well.
We saw a ton of adorable puppies and kittens too, which of course is a
perk. Until you see how covered they are
with fleas and then feel really sorry for them.
Hopefully their owners are actually using the free flea shampoo we were
handing out!
De-worming a box of puppies in Jinotega |
The "Palo de Mayo" during the Tulululu festival |
Immediately after the brigade I went to Managua to catch a
night bus to Bluefields for the weekend.
It’s a 6 hour bus ride from Managua to El Rama, where you wait in line
for a few hours and then get on a panga boat and ride the river another 2 hours
to the city of Bluefields, which is on the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua. In all
it’s about a 12 hour travel day (or night) to get to the coast, unless you fly,
which costs way more. I pretty much went
on my own for this trip, but met up with other volunteers that were there
celebrating Tulululu as well, which is the last festival in May celebrating
Palo de Mayo, or May Pole, which is a HUGE Atlantic coast celebration each
year. It was really rainy and humid the
whole time I was there, but the dancing in the streets was really fun and I had
some really yummy seafood dishes. I had
planned to visit Pearl Lagoon while there, which is another popular spot along
the east coast, but my bank card had expired the day before (they give no
warning!) so I couldn’t get any more money out for the other leg of the
trip. So that morning I had to borrow
money from another volunteer just to get back to Managua, where I went to the
bank the next day and got my card all settled.
That was my 2nd time
in Bluefields where I wanted to go visit Pearl Lagoon and didn’t due to some
reason or another. Yet another place I
still need to visit in this country!
Immediately after coming back from Bluefields I was in
Managua again, this time to give a presentation to the current health
volunteers during their In-Serving Training workshop about building improved
ovens and stoves. So I got to spend
another night in a nice hotel in a beautiful setting, where there were howler
monkeys and lots of pretty birds to look at.
Then it was back to Wale, where I am now, after spending over 2 weeks
out of site last month on vacation. It
was fun, but I need to get focused on finishing the activities I’m working on
in site, such as my girls’ club and finishing making the stoves. Not to mention I have a ton of books I still
haven’t read and study materials for the GRE I need to crack open at some
point. I’m still planning on applying for
grad school next year, and I’m currently in the process of applying for some
jobs for when I come home in September.
I have yet to choose my actual fly-home date from Nicaragua, but it’ll
be sometime during the last week in August, unless some amazing job happens to pop
up in the meantime. But the way things
look now that’s not likely, so I’m expecting to leave late August and start
working again in the States in September.
Me and Jureymi after she performed a folklorico dance in school |